native woodland Tag

What is Ecoforestry?   Ecoforestry is a forest management practice which emphasises sustainability and forest biodiversity rather than pure financial returns. The responsible way to manage forests is through a design that minimizes interference and aims to protect the ecosystem as a whole. The focus is on...

Native Woodlands in Ireland  Centuries of clearance and over-exploitation have reduced the once extensive native woodland of Ireland to the remnants we can now see. Instances of old native woodlands in Ireland continue to be found as little isolated stands. These are mainly in regions with...

What is Forest Bathing? The word bathing, when used with the word forest, invokes images of swimming in rivers or lakes that are surrounded by trees. That is rarely a part of forest bathing, but it is not completely off the mark. The air through which...

The Giants Grove is a remarkable project. A living memorial of Giant and Coastal Redwoods dedicated to loved ones at Birr Castle, Birr, Ireland. ...

Native Woodland Conservation At Ecoplan Forestry Ltd, we are the only forestry company dedicated to the conservation of Native Woodlands in Ireland. Our expert team understands the importance of preserving Ireland's natural heritage and works tirelessly to protect these valuable ecosystems. Through our sustainable forestry practices,...

Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF) In Ireland   What is Continuous Cover Forestry Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF) is a close-to-nature forestry approach to the sustainable management of forests whereby forest stands are maintained in a permanently irregular structure, which is created and sustained through the selection and harvesting of...

Ash Dieback Disease Ash-dieback disease (often called chalara) is a serious and rapidly spreading disease of ash trees that has had a significant impact on forests and landscapes in Ireland and many other countries in Europe. The disease is caused by a fungus called Hymenoscyphus fraxineus,...